Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Easiest Way to View (Almost) Any File

Avantstar's Quick View Plus is a slick file-viewing software utility that lets you view almost any type of file (well, 300 different formats or so anyway) without needing to have the native software application installed on your PC. So, if you need to grab a file off of shared drive or (most commonly) get a funky email attachment and you don't own the application used to originally create the file, you can still view and print it.

For individual PC owners, that's a nice-to-have capability, though probably not absolutely essential unless you are getting a lot of files you can't open (e.g. from different office software suites, graphics programs or engineering software applications) from outside sources. For employees in larger businesses or government organizations however, it is a godsend. Quick View Plus can be installed across networks in minutes, and volume pricing makes it very cost-effective to add to the standard desktop image. It far more than pays for itself in reduced support desk calls and software licensing costs.

PCWorld has written a helpful product review of Quick View Plus along with a free trial download link, stating "With over 300 filters for everything from ancient programs such as Harvard Graphics for DOS to the latest Microsoft Office 2007 XML documents, it can be worth its weight in gold,--or discontinued programs, if you prefer...Quick View Plus 10 can be a lifesaver if you've got a legacy business document for which you don't have the software."

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