Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Sequel to SQL

What's wrong with SQL? For starters, it's hard. SQL is fundamentally a difficult and not terribly productive query coding language. Graphical front-end tools can hide the complexity, but for detailed, in-depth queries, at some point coding will be required. And it's ugly.

Second, it's slow. Or rather, the relational database it's accessing is slow. Standard queries can be optimized and performed very fast. But ask a question that the underlying database wasn't properly indexed to answer—particularly a complex question—and the query will run for hours, or even days, locking other users out of the system (until the query is finally manually aborted). You've got a query from hell.

Finally, it's limited. There are certain types of queries, such as associative queries, that simply can't be modeled in SQL. Not every question is simple, or has a simple answer. No one should be limited, by a coding language, in what they can ask of a database.

The answer isn't more "tweaks" to SQL or relational systems. No matter what's added on top, it's still 30 year old technology underneath.

The answer is a radically new approach to both database design and access, such as that offered by illuminate, a data warehouse provider that launched in the U.S. this week. The iLuminate correlation database engine is always optimized for any type of query, with all relationships mapped, solving the speed problem. And the company's iCorrelate exploration tool allows any type of query against the database, freeing users from the tyranny of SQL.

Check it out:

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