Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Gotta Start Somewhere

Welcome to the TechMarketCentral blog, which will eventually be heavily populated with posts about B2B technology topics - software, hardware, services and telecom. My current interests include network monitoring, anything related to ITIL, VoIP, security and outsourcing among other topics, but will vary and likely expand over time. Hope you enjoy it.

A little about me: I'm a technology guy with 20 years of experience as an engineer and marketer in B2B IT software, hardware and services companies. Old enough to understand these areas yet young enough to still be passionate about innovations.

BTW, I take no position in the Microsoft vs. Linux vs. Mac wars. Between the five computers in my office, I’m running Mac OS, Linux and two versions of Windows. Choice is a good thing. I don’t care how much money Bill Gates has—I just think he could afford a decent haircut.

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