Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Slash7 on Pimpin' Your Products

Slash7 has written a great post about the right way to promote technology products, Pimpin' Products Ain't Easy. She shows how pimpin' (no "g," that's important) is different from marketing (or at least what technology folks often view marketing as). Then she goes on to describe what pimpin' is and why it's important:

"The act of pimpin’ products (as opposed to 'marketing') never involves any kind of questionable tactics. Pimpin’ means putting your product’s best foot forward. Accen-tuate the pos-it-ive. It means not shirking from self-promotion, and shouting your product’s position, features and benefits loud and clear. It means making the acquisition (download, purchase, whatever) process as simple as possible."

The post provides a helpful list of "Pimpin' Missteps" to avoid (such as "Don’t… be vague so visitors go “huh? what the heck is this?” when they load the page.") as well as a number of "Pimpin-est Examples" to illustrate her ideas. Read the whole thing.

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