Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Magenic Community Blog - Excellent Stuff

Though a lot of technology companies now have blogs, I'm constantly amazed at the number who don't realize what a key driver blogging is for thought leadership (which enhances credibility and, indirectly, increases sales). There are a number of excellent corporate tech blogs out there of course, such as Dave's Blog, written by NetApp CEO Dave Hitz.

Another outstanding tech blog I recently came across is the Magenic Technologies Community Blog. Magenic, a Microsoft-focused IT consulting firm with five offices across the U.S., has a great developer blog covering topics such as IT events, SQL Server, code testing, .NET, system mods, C# and other software development subjects. Definitely worth checking out.

The main page is actually a collection of postings from consultants such as Jeff Knutson, Aaron Erickson and Sean Schade. Doesn't look like there's a FeedBurner feed for the main blog page, which is kind of odd, but these guys are smart—I suspect this will get added sooner than later.

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