Friday, September 28, 2007

Yes, The World Does Need Another Staffing Software Solution

If you look at lists of staffing software vendors on sites like Capterra or Recruiters Network, you may well wonder why the world needs another vendor in this space. Well...because may of these companies have been around for a long time. Their software is "robust"—which one of my bosses in a former life said is an acronym for "really old but ultimately stable techngology."

But needs change and technology (constantly) changes, which is why four former executives of TempWorks recently formed Avionte Software, a new staffing software company dedicated to producing recruiting software that's web-based, fully integrated with other front and back office applications, and that's actually easy to use.

Staffing types can check out the new software at its official launch at Staffing World 2007 in San Antonio, October 9-12.
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